FILDI – ZeFrank!

F*** it lets do it.So I found another individual of inspiration online. It is with great joy that I share him and his ideas with anyone who has not heard of him or his work.

The individual in question is known online as ZeFrank. He is absolutely hilarious as well as being inspirational. Some of you might be familiar with his true facts series. If not, check it out, follow the links, find something that puts a smile on your face.

I spent last night watching a marathon of his vlog posts and was so overwhelmed with feelings, that I figured, the very least that I could do to help him is to share with you, some of his work.

This is one of the most motivational speeches out there. Enjoy.

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Why Should I Set Goals?

It is said that a life without purpose is wasted.

Think of a ship setting out on a trip. Does it just wander aimlessly until it finds something worthwhile, or does it have a definite destination?

Without a goal in life, you are like a ship that is just heading out of port with no destination. You are going to spend too much time wandering in the ocean of life before you reach your destination. If you even get there at all.

Clearly defined goals will give your life a purpose and direction that most people will never see in life. It is only about 10% of people who make it to retirement age and have a comfortable life that is suitable for a pleasant retirement. Most people have to take a part time job if they want to live comfortably. Some people even have to work until they die if they want too keep a roof over their head.

Goals should also be very clearly defined. Making a million dollars is a nice goal, lots of people share this with you, but how are you going to make that million? What exactly is your plan of action?

Are you going to keep working the same lame job and not spend any money until you have a million in the bank by retirement age? Or are you going to improve your skill set, go back to school, and find a job that will pay you a million within a few years and spend the rest of your life in comfort?

Goals are the best thing that you can acquire in life. Make them soon and start out on a life that will be fulfilled and a lot better than you will ever believe.


  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Realistic
  • Timely

Remember these things when you are setting your goals. Also, goals can always be broken down into smaller steps if your main goal is a big one.

Always dream big and always keep moving toward your goals.

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Caring for Insignificant Problems – Stop it.

There is a mass problem with people today. It is caring too much.

I know that it sounds like a nice thing, but when it comes down to it, caring is not all that great.

Actually, let me rephrase that, caring about the wrong things is the problem.

There are so many huge issues out there that are serious problems with the world and unless they are fixed, the human race is doomed, but all that people seem to care about these days, is their own petty, insignificant problems.

These are also known as first world problems.

“Oh no! My wi-fi can’t reach my bedroom because my house is too big.”

You know what I say to these idiots? Try drinking from the same water that your neighbors shit in.

Now that, is a real problem.

It is time to start caring about each other. STOP the selfish greed that is not just consuming society but generally making people hate urban environments and start giving.

Become a giver.

Make the world a better place.

Now I know that most of you will not make much of an impact on this world, but at least there will be nice things written on your tombstone when you kick the bucket.

Also I just want to say to any religious reader that happens across this little piece of ranting literature, your god probably doesn’t care how much you pray, your god cares about actions, not words. Be nice and paradise will be your reward.

That sounds like a pretty good deal to me.

To my agnostice amigos, be nice and MAYBE you will get into paradise.

Ha! See what I did there. Some times I really crack me up.

But on a more serious note, look out for each other and stop caring about problems that you cant fix.

If your job sucks and life in general is making you miserable, I guarantee that by simply finding a new job or changing your diet (healthier), you will notice an improvement.

This is not caring and complaining, this is action.

Action is what has made the world what it is today. Where would we be if everyone was happy and comfortable with what they had?

We would be cave men. Perfectly happy with dieing at the old age of 30 and occasionally being picked of by a creature higher up on the food chain than we were.

I somehow have to steer this little tirade back to the topic of caring for insignificant problesms.


That should do it.

Now I know that this little article is not a work of art. It is just my brain trying to think slowly enough for my fingers to keep up but I have encountered this issue at my current employer.

The people who care about the wrong stuff and generally make their complaints heard on a regular basis are the one that are treated like crap and ignored by the company and the supervisors.

Meanwhile, there is quiet little me, working away, barely saying anything to anyone about how much that tedious piece of crap that they call a job sucks and do you know what I get in return?

All of the hours that I could possibly want ( I had to tell them to tone it down ), unasked for raises, leaving early on Fridays, and verbal praise on an almost daily basis.

What more could a wage slave ask for?

Those are the kind of situations that I find myself in and it got me thinking about wring something about it. So now this is written and here you are.

I hope you enjoyed it and remember, stop caring about insignificant problems.

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Haters Gonna Hate

An I Heart Haters HatThe title of this little article is “Haters Gonna Hate”. It is a street term that simply means that some people are just going to be jealous and resentful assholes no matter what you do so just keep on doing what you want to do.

This should not just be a lesson from the streets and the “Game” but a lesson for all of humanity to ignore the overwhelming negativity that some people naturally emit.

There are always going to be those among us that want to bring you down in order to make them selves feel better. These people are insignificant and no attention should be paid to them at all.

Keep on doing what you do to the best of your abilities and life is going to unfold before you and reveal that it is not as bad as you think it is.

You should not just ignore the criticisms that are in front of you, your should also ignore the people that ruin your day with out even thinking about it. I constantly refer to traffic problem and road rage because that was a problem of mine for several years.

I spent many years driving for a few different rental car companies and also delivering parts before I realized that the main part of my day that I hated the most was driving.

The actual driving part was fun but eventually I learned that what I hated about it was the fact that there were so many other people on the roads and it seemed like most of them were just trying to cut me off.

Those people who are terribly selfish in traffic and have no regards for others are another form of hater. They needed to be ignored, so the plan that I came up with was to change my driving habits.

Before I changed my habits I would see someone coming up behind me quickly and I would try to not let them past me. This created hostility on both fronts of this situation and led to me being hateful every time that I got into a car.

I changed the situation completely. What I did was to just let them pass. The tailgaters got ignored and I would also leave a very large gap in front of me so that when I got cut off in traffic it would be as close as it was before and provided a much longer reaction time in case of an emergency stop.

There are still a lot of times out there that I wish I had lasers to point in their eyes, but those feelings are lesser and lesser everyday.

My example is just one way that anyone can ignore the haters. I sincerely would love to hear some more.

So remember to just be nice to each other and the world will be a much nicer place for everyone to live in.

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Self Improvement – Beyond the Comfort Zone

Comfort zone, get out of it.The one true reason that all of humanity is being held back is the comfort zone. By this I mean that people are doing exactly what they want to be doing because it is the path of least resistance. Lets face it, people are designed to consume as much energy as possible and spend as little energy as possible. That is simple survival right there. But with the advances in modern times, that kind of lifestyle has lead to terrible things like morbid obesity, heart disease and even early death.

You comfort zone is what you are probably doing right now, just cruising around the internet looking at random websites and generally taking it easy. You might have a niggling thought in the back of your head that you really should be taking the dog for a walk of getting some kind of exercise but you are just planning on taking it easy.

This leads to a sedentary lifestyle that eventually leads nowhere. My previous example only talks about exercise as something that sticking to your comfort zone can prevent, but there are so many different opportunities that you are missing out on if you don’t take some time to experience discomfort and live life to the fullest.

Discomfort comes in all shapes and sizes. One common one is the fear of rejection. This irrational fear leads to you no asking your boss for a raise or promotion, not asking that girl or boy that you like out on a date and it can also prevent you from doing as well as you should in school because the fear of failing a test prevent you from even attempting it.

The comfort zone is not a modern idea. It has been around forever and it would seem that all of the great leaders of the world are completely at ease doing astounding things that would seem like too much for the normal everyday individual.

The more time that you spend doing things tat make you uncomfortable, the more comfortable you will be with them. This is true of almost any activity. It is said that practice makes perfect and that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, if you put both of those together, you are just starting to get outside of your comfort zone and try something new. Eventually you are going to be awesome at this new activity and there will still be people everywhere that are being saddled with the fears that you have overcame to achieve success.

So with all of that in mind, why don’t you just go out and do something that makes you uncomfortable. (Something healthy, drugs make me uncomfortable but I would never so them to achieve success.)

P.S. My personal fear was of having the entire neighborhood notice my jiggly man boobs while jogging. I got over it and I am on the path to an extremely healthy lifestyle.

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Everyone Around You Is An Idiot!

No BrainsLet me just start by saying that the title isn’t completely accurate. I know that there is a huge percentage of the people around you that are sane, normal, non idiotic people. The only reason that I wrote that particular title is because the normal people don’t stand out in your daily routine. It is only the morons that interrupt your peaceful patterns that stand out. That is just too bad because those normal people deserve all the love in the world while the idiots should be ignored.

The idiots are everywhere though. You can help but encounter them. Whether you are in line and one of them cuts in front or perhaps you are just minding your own business cruising along the highway when someone in an $80 000 luxury car flies past you doing twice the speed limit, with a mobile phone in one hand and an $8 coffee in the other. Maybe the bosses just keep piling on the work load while making dumb choices and not contributing anything useful. They are unavoidable.

But how can you keep you cool when there are so many idiots?

If you look for road rage videos online, you are going to find a lot of them. Just the other day, I watched a video where a bus driver took it upon himself to teach a Porsche driver how to park properly, by using his bus to knock it away from the bus stop that it was parked in front of.

I must admit that I am a road rager, but I keep it in the confines of my automobile. I call the offending drivers on the road all sorts of clever names, but I have never carried out my dreams of installing a high powered lazer with face recognition technology to target their eyes and permanently blind them in order to keep them off of the roads for ever. I can still dream about it though.

To get to the point, what I am trying to convey to you is that it passes. Eventually the idiots will be gone out of your life. Time heals a lot of things but it can make a lot of things a lot worse.

One day, your imbecile of a boss will be gone. It might take more time than the idiot in traffic, but eventually, your boss will be gone. Either through promotion, retirement, firing or quitting, you or the dolt that you work for will be separated and never have to see each other ever again.

There are many other long term idiots in your life that time is not going to just get rid of for you though. Some times, you are just going to have to do some thing to remove them from your life. These nasty cretins include, spouses, neighbors, friends and even family. If you can not remove them from your life, you are going to have to remove yourself from their lives.

So keep calm and carry on. There is no need to worry about the short term idiots, they are usually gone within minutes and the long term jokers, you are just going to have to stay away from their contagious idiocy.


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