Practicing What I Preach

I know that it’s been a while and that a blog without constant posts looks abandoned, but it isn’t. I’ve just been practicing what I preach while getting side tracked by all of the struggles that life has to offer.

Who has time to write something every night anyways? I know I sure don’t.

Here I am though, back for some more forays into the written world. And here, is what has been happening to me since I last posted…


I started using drugs. Yes! Illegal ones! Ones that will make the neighbors hate you. Drugs that people have been told to fear for the past 100 years. Drugs called Cannabis, to be more precise.

Why? Because I wanted to end my life. All of the shit that I wrote on this site was just an effort to keep myself happy and content with life, to try and show myself how to live a good life and how I can keep living happily ever after. Especially during those depressive times. Although being manic really gets the energy flowing for some creativity.

I figured that since I was willing to kill myself, I should be willing to do anything. This was the beginning of a downward slide that led to me achieving complete independence and actually accomplishing something in my life that’s worth bragging about, home ownership.

It’s only been since April 21 2017 that I started smoking pot and since then, my life has changed drastically. Like I said, home ownership, it might be small and cheap, but at least I can call it my home.

I might have forgotten to mention that it’s about 2000 km away from where I previously was. Half way across Canada. I sold all of my stuff, packed the rest into a small car and headed East. And that is a story for another time.

Now I’m not completely blaming drug use for this momentous leap forwards in my life, but it certainty didn’t hurt. It just helped liberate some thoughts that needed to get out.

I think what really did it, was an article that I wrote. It brought about a different mindset. really brought out something in me that I didn’t know existed. Something that I still don’t entirely know how to describe. Some kind of empowering darkness. Or maybe a lessening of my fear of the unknown.

I felt as though I could do anything that I put my mind to. I still hate rejection, but now I don’t fear it. So without fear holding me back, I tried and failed to get three properties, before I got this one. It was an emotional roller coaster that I was more than happy to ride because even though I wasn’t winning. I still was enjoying the ride.

Even though I wasn’t winning. I still was enjoying the ride.

So I sit here once again, in front of the keyboard with some sativa in my head and creativity in my heart, trying to think of interesting things to captivate an audience, with nothing but the sound of the keyboard to keep me company. Writing. My craft, my hobby, my obsession. I have been writing since I was a child. I write so much better than I speak but that’s just something that needs to be worked on, time for this sim to head over to the mirror.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and if you want to know more about me and my works, contact me. If you want to support me and my work, turn your ad blocker off. Thank you.



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Everything Changed After I Quit Smoking Cigarettes

Everything Changed after Cigarettes - I'm happy. :)

And my jobs.


Yes I did leave jobs for it, but I regret nothing. I feel better about my life now, then I ever do. And that’s not just because of cigarettes, either.

All of the small improvements that I made over the past few years are finally paying off. I might just feel good about myself for the first time in decades is because of the self improvement journey that I have been on.

I defeated depression, naturally.


Too much alliteration.

Donny duh dense dragoon, dutifully defeated depression.

That worse, much worse, but guess what? I am okay enough with myself that I can post jokes.


It’s all jokes, perhaps I should classify myself as a comedian…


I have so many jobs. Lets just stick to writer. Lets wait for someone to offer you a speaking engagement before that we go hopping on stage with nothing to say.


You have a lot to say,

That “Charisma +1 Mirror” idea is gold.



For any human readers:

Sorry for not posting in a month. If you really care, email me. I’ll tell you where you can find my constant work. As long as you can pass the ”  ” test.

I publish something almost everyday.

The past month has been a great time for me. I have never been so motivated and happy to work in my life.

It keeps me up at night.


My previous posts on this site seem like lies compared to how happy I am right now.

Other than money, I am in such a good place right now.


I am worried about having to get another job, who knows what that is going to bring into my quiet simple life.

I’ve lowered my standards too.


I no longer want anything, my ego is gone. I stopped feeding it, and off it went. I still feel proud of myself though.

Perhaps the two are not connected.

Those are the kind of thoughts that keep me up at night.

I could just write about the mysteries of the universe.

Speculate the fak out of them…


Time to get to my book project, you are gonna love it.



To my robot readers…  …more posts coming soon.

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Day Three – No Tobacco

DISCLAIMER: I decided to not edit this at all. I want it to properly convey the frustration that I was feeling while on my third day without cigarettes and nicotine.

I have finally decided to take the plunge. To dare to dream and finally rid myself of this curse that has haunted me for most of my life. I have chose to quit smoking cigarettes and to stop any form of nicotine consumption all together.

This is not really a choice that I was willing to make. I had spent many happy years consuming this carcinogen and a moderate rate. I had probably attempted to quit smoking about 20 or so times over the years. It would seem as though I was getting ready to quit quitting.

It was only when I realised how to overcome all of my excuses would I ever be able to quit this horrible addiction.

I had to quit my job. The only excuse that kept me tied to the coffin nails was that my job was highly stressful and i needed them to help me to calm down during the day. Now that was a valid excuse, did have a extremely stressfull job. I had dozens of people bringing me hundreds of problems everyday.
I quit that job three days ago and as i write this it is my third day without any kind of tobacco or nicotine replacement.

It has been a new experince for me. I don’t know if hell exists but if it does, i would be safe to thik that this is how the people in hell feel all of the time.
to be perfectly honest, the first two days were hell.

It can be described as twitchy confusion interspersed with hostility and undirected rage. the third day is just confustion. I guess it isn’t all that bad because I still have the ability to drap this machine out of storage and hack out a quck story about my struggles.

I do feel better though. Not physically better, but mentally better. I feel that this is probably one of the most important things that I have ever done in my life. I know that with this major accomplishment out of the way, I can achieve anything that i set my mind on.

Physically, i feel like crap. My lungs feel like they have hardedend up, i am having to constantly clear phlegm from my throat and i can barely work up the energy to do anything.

I still managed to get a few things done today though. I suppose that this will be the discipline practice that i need to focus and implement all of my intent towards attaining my dreams.

I have been getting all sorts of good, unsolicited advice from people. The one bit of advice that is consisten from everyone is that I should stay away from the things that compliment cigarettes. Things such as coffee, beer, sex, driving and big meals.

Its solid advice but I have been tempting myself with beer and enjoying delicious coffee everymorning. I did get a Timmies that nearly brought me to tears when I didn’t have a butt to go with it. The beer just loosesns me up and makes me more courageous. Strengthens my willpower. I haven’t had any big meals to consume in the past few day to test my resolve and as far as an after sex smoke is concerned, I might have sex again. I hope that I have sex again and when that day comes, i will be prepared to reinforce my willpower and stay nicotine free.

I am trying to organise my thoughts about the situation as much as I possibly can but for some reason i find that my mind is slightly more muddled than usual. I will be publishing this peice unedited in order to properly portray how my emotional state is affecting my ablity to properly convey a scentence.

Thank you for spending the time to read this. I hope that you have never chose to smoke cigarettes and that you will never ave to go through the horrendous experience of quitting.

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Zap Some A$$

search results zap smassIf you find yourself wondering about the name Zap Smass, ponder no more. It means Zap Some A$$.

I completely forgot how I came up with it though. It was probably an online gaming mage name.

I found that it was fitting for a motivation website because once you zap some A$$ then you can get motivated, get moving and creating the world that you want to live in.

Thank you again for coming to my site and reading what I have to write. It gives me great pleasure to be able to master the English language and to be able to share it with all of you.

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Only You Can Be The Person That You Want To Be.

Stop Lying to YourselfStop making excuses, start taking action.

If you have found your way to this site, then you are probably looking for a way to turn your life around. Spending hour after hour in front of the television and the fridge and wondering why your life sucks. Thinking: “If only I had the kind of life that they show on TV, I would be happier”. Well guess what? That is all attainable. All that you need to do is what you already know needs to be done.

Want to be a doctor? Just go back to school part time and it will be reality, sooner than you think. Want six pack abs? Well guess what? You already know what to do. Eat less, exercise more. It is just that simple. Want more money? Hand out more resumes. Maybe you could find out what kind of positions are opening up at your company and just go for them? It is simple as that.

I hope that what I am doing here at is going to motivate at least one person to become the success that they have always dreamed of being. (and cut me in for 10% *wink*). What I really want to do with this site is get down to the roots of the motivational problems and crush them. I will be always researching, studying, and applying the principles that I learn, in order to create an environment that is going to nourish your desire to be awesome.

So, with that all said, I hope that I provide you this environment and remember, you already know what to do, now do it.

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ZapSmass – The Awakening

A messy bed can lead to a messy life, which is not where you want to be.I like that title. The awakening. It could have so many different meanings.

It could mean that something has awoken under the earth and is coming to the surface in order to claim its rightful place as leader of this planet and will enslave all of humanity.

Or it could simply mean that I have came to a realization. The latter is the correct one, just in case you were wondering.


So about the site. I have created it as a motivator. Mostly a motivator for myself to keep working on my writing and just get in the 10 000 hours that Malcolm Gladwell recommends in order for me to be the absolute best at it. I am also hoping to motivate anyone that happens to stumble across this place. I have led an unmotivated and unambitious life so far. It was only a few years ago that I discovered the secret to getting anything that you want out of life.


It is not much of a secret. It is something that most people know but don’t actually do. I don’t know why people don’t always follow their dreams, but they don’t. I am going to dive down into the depths of the human psyche and find out though.

I hope that you will come along for the ride.

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